What is this fest for?
Everything and anything that is or could be related to Halloween! That could be the spooky season itself, darker horrors and thrillers, supernatural creatures, fantasy, and the autumn season.

Do I need an AO3 account to submit or fulfill a prompt?
Yes! The fest is held and monitored through AO3 and you need an account to submit a prompt and to fulfill it! If you need to create an AO3 account, their invite email takes between 1-3 days to receive!

What can I prompt/write?
Anything ranging from basic Halloween clichés to serial killers!! Just make sure to stay close to what the prompter asked, adhere to the DNW’s, and tag your fic correctly!! Please refer to the writing and prompting rules below and on our Twitter for more detailed information.

How do I submit a prompt?
Please wait until July 1st to submit a prompt. On our AO3 profile, click “Prompt Form”. Fill it out and submit it! Then you should see it on the prompt page and under the “My Prompts” tab!

How do I claim a prompt?
Please wait until July 17th to claim a prompt. You will find your chosen prompt (we advise to keep track of them), click “Claim” in the bottom right corner, then fill out the sign up form which can also be found at the bottom of the FAQ and on our Twitter under the master thread.

How many people can claim a prompt?
Only one person can claim each prompt! If you would like to claim a self prompt, please claim a free one! If we need to add more, please let us know!

Does my prompt have to be ship related?
No! This is a BTS-centric fest, so as long as the fic revolves around the members then it's fine! Ships and side ships are welcome along with members of other groups, actors and actresses, OC's, etc! However, we DO NOT ALLOW Y/N inserts or main pairings of BTS x Non BTS Member (ie. Jeongguk x Yugyeom). BTS x Non BTS are allowed as a side ship only.

Can my AO3/Twitter remain anonymous?
Yes! There will be an author reveal form that you will need to fill out once you’ve submitted your fic! You’ll let us know there!

Does my fic have to be completed or can I submit a WIP?
You can submit a WIP or chaptered fic AS LONG AS the first chapter(s) meet the minimum word count.
The fic has to be a new, unposted story!Please refrain from posting a sequel or continuing the series until after the fest is over.
I've claimed a prompt but can't make the deadline,
what do I do?
We offer extensions if you need a little more time, but you're always free to drop one/all prompts without repercussions as we understand life gets in the way. PLEASE fill out the drop out form before dropping your prompt(s)!

How can we reach you for questions?
Through our CC, Twitter DM’s, or email! Links can be found throughout our AO3 and in our pinned tweet on Twitter!

🚨 Please do not ghost us! (No pun intended.) Without a legitimate excuse for why you haven't filled out a form or fulfilled the prompt within the given time frame (October 20th is the deadline, the collection will remain open for another month after author reveals are over), you will not be able to participate in next year's fest. 🚨

General Rules

Please use this format when submitting a prompt! We want everyone to be as safe as possible!
TW: Trigger Warning
Prompt: Summary
DNW: Do Not Want/Write

You can submit up to 5 prompts per account!
RAPE/NONCON, PEDOPHILIA/GROOMING, ANY FORM OF UNDERAGE NSFW ARE NOT ALLOWED. Prompts with these topics will be deleted. If you have a specific idea or question you can still send us a CC or DM about it! This means under 18 writing and interacting with NSFW content and characters under 18 participating in NSFW activities.

Please refrain from adding a minimum word count or fic length request in your prompt. If these are added, we will ask you to change them. If they are not changed by July 15th, your prompts will be deleted.
Anything Halloween, spooky, supernatural, fantasy, dark, or fall themed is welcome!
Open to all ships, including poly, OT7, etc.
Y/N x BTS Member is not allowed. BTS Member x Non BTS Member is not allowed as a main ship, but as a side ship is fine.

All sexualities and gender identities are welcome!
Please be as vague or as specific in your requests as you want! But remember, the writers are writing how they interpret your prompt so please be sure to state what you want along with your Do Not Want's/Write(DNW's)! You will only be able to edit your prompt until prompting closes! Though, you can still DM us if you really need to add or change something!
Be aware, the more specific and detailed a prompt is, the more pressure it can put on the writer!

If you’re afraid your prompt is triggering or isn’t allowed, PLEASE put the trigger warning (TW) / content warning (CW) BEFORE the prompt and list the triggering topics!!(Rule of Thumb: If you have to ask yourself if your prompt is triggering, it probably could be!)

🚨 If you feel any prompt violates the rules, has the potential to be written that way, or make someone else uncomfortable, please send us a CC or DM! 🚨

Only ONE claim per prompt!! For self prompts, please claim a free one!
You can claim up to 3 prompts including your self prompt.
Minimum word count = 1.5k, no max. word count.With that said, try not to let others discourage you if their WC is higher or they are further ahead than you!

Be respectful to the prompter and their wishes. Please respect the DNW's, TW’s, and tag appropriately.
Questions or hesitations, feel free to ask us!

Please wait until July 17th to claim. Claiming remains open after that date until the submission time is closed on October 20th, 11:59 PM KST. Any claims made before claiming opens or after claiming closes will be deleted.
PLEASE be sure to fill out the claiming form within three days of claiming your prompt(s)! If the form is not filled out, your claim will be deleted and you won't be able to fulfill your claim until the prompt is reclaimed and the form is filled out and submitted. This means if someone else claims it and fills out the form before you, there is nothing we can do.

Please correctly tag your fics and include the tags the prompter included!! As Halloween topics and tropes can be a bit controversial and triggering, we will be reading over everything to make sure your works meet the rules and requirements. We will contact you if we believe a tag should be added or changed, or if your fic doesn’t fit the guidelines. We will appreciate your cooperation as it will make it easier on us and you as well!
RAPE/NONCON, PEDOPHILIA/GROOMING, and ANY FORM OF UNDERAGE NSFW ARE NOT ALLOWED. Fics with these topics or plots inevitably leading to them will be rejected until fixed. If you have a specific idea or question you can still send us a CC or DM about it!
Anything else goes as long as it is tagged and warned about properly!

If you are under 18, you cannot write NSFW!
Ship dynamics don’t have to be tagged but please respect whatever tags the prompter asked for. Kinks MUST be tagged!
Member x Non BTS Member ships are not allowed as a main pairing. Side ships are fine as long as they are not the main focus. Y/N x BTS Member are strictly not allowed.

It's highly recommended to have your work beta’d! We have a form where writers can request help from a beta and where you can sign up to be a beta! You can also check out @/betafind and @/btsbeta!
WIPs are allowed as long as the chapter(s) submitted are finished and meet the minimum word count. Please refrain from posting a sequel or continuing the series until after the fest is over.
Fics have to be new or a previous WIP. They cannot already be posted somewhere.

Extensions can be granted but PLEASE contact us if you need one. If you need to drop out, please fill out the drop out form!** More info can be found on our Twitter!

The collection will remain open for a month after the deadline (October 20th) so you can still fulfill your claim up until the collection closes, BUT you will not be included in author reveals and your work will be posted and revealed automatically (after we skim them). We will still retweet your own tweets that @ us and anything with #btsfrightfest.(This does not apply to anyone who is granted an extension and submits their fic in time, so if you need an extension please DM us.)

You can change prompts but PLEASE contact us before doing so!!
No plagiarism! You are also not allowed to write a fest prompt outside of the fest. The prompters gave their permission for the fest to use their idea when they submitted the prompt, therefore writers of the fest are the only ones with permission to write them.Give credit where credit is due! (beta's, mood board creators, etc.)Please wait to mention names or link their, or your own, profiles as works are to remain anonymous!! In the meantime, feel free to placehold with “Thanks to my beta, X!”
Works are to remain anonymous until author reveals are over!Be respectful towards all authors and please support them when reveals happen! We want this environment to be as safe as possible!

( Made with Carrd )